The Right Wing Cries As Whitmer Fights Back

Another spot-on take by Susan Demas. For years, right-wing corporate media told me we had to cut, cut, and cut the budget some more. But when @GovWhitmer cut pork spending in northern, Republican districts, the same peeps are now crying & complaining. Irony is dead. — LeftOfLansing (@LeftOfLansing) October 12, 2019 It’s been both…

And As Predicted, Whitmer & the Dems Cave To GOP Demands

I wanted to be wrong, but I had a feeling Michigan Republicans would claim victory in stopping Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer from fixing the roads. As I wrote earlier, thanks to the knee-capping of Whitmer’s road funding plan by the House Democratic leader Chris Greig, the Democrats were going to cave-in to Republican demands and…