January 30, 2025 Here’s Episode 118 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! 00:00-14:16: Peters Not Running/MAGA Misinformation Machine Pat starts out of the gate lamenting about Michigan Democrats joining MAGA Republicans on watering-down minimum wage and paid sick leave in the state. He next turns his attention to Michigan Democrats in Congress, like Congresswoman Kristin McDonald-Rivet…
Tag: Podcast
Michigan Democratic State Rep. Betsy Coffia Refuses To Capitulate
January 22, 2025 Here’s Episode 117 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! 00:00-15:29: Pat’s Mom’s Passing & Influence In the first segment, Pat Johnston talks about his Mom passing away last week, and the major influence she played in his political and news upbringing. Like Pat, his Mom wore her politics and values on her sleeve,…
Have Elon Musk & The Tech Bros Taken Over?
January 9, 2025 Here’s Episode 116 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! 00:00-16:00: Dems Acting Like “Maga-Dems” The first segment features Pat Johnston sharing his thoughts on both Michigan and national Democrats running as “MAGA” Democrats, and how detrimental that will be to a Democratic Party struggling to attract new voters. It’ll be difficult for Democrats…
Podcast Ep. 90: Paid Family Leave & How To Even The Playing Field w/ Danielle Atkinson of Mothering Justice
It’s Episode 90 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! On this week’s show, Pat speaks with Danielle Atkinson, executive director and founder of Mothering Justice, which is an organization working to empower mothers of color through public policy. Mothering Justice is part of a coalition demanding the Democratic majority in the Michigan legislature to vote on…
ProPublica’s Andy Kroll On Michigan’s MAGA War on Democracy
Welcome to Episode 88 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! On this week’s show, Pat has some fun at the expense of the big oil and land developer-backed group calling itself “Citizens For Local Choice,” which announced its hopes of putting a repeal of a renewable energy siting law on this November’s ballot FAILED to garner…
Going After Every Vote w/ Michigan Democratic Party Rural Caucus Chair Mark Ludwig
Here’s Episode 86 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Pat’s got much to say about the shenanigans happening in Delta County this week! Just after three MAGA Delta County commissioners suffered humiliating recall election losses, two right-wing Board of Canvassers there refused to certify the elections! It’s a pattern we’ve been seeing when it comes to…
The Tide is Turning! Ottawa County Progressive Joe Spaulding
Here’s Episode 85 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! They did it! Delta County voters sent pink slips to three extreme Christian Nationalist MAGA county commissioners in recall races this week! This is an area that’s recently turned from blue to red, which is why that extreme brand of right-wing politics gained a hold of the county board….
Friday Short: Why I’m Voting For Biden
Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 3, 2024. Generation Z voters are protesting at college campuses across the country, showing their dissatisfaction and disdain for the United States’ continued backing of the right-wing Israeli government. And for some, refusing to vote for a second Biden Administration term this November is their way…
Building a Blue Foundation in the Upper Peninsula w/ Kelli van Ginhoven
Here’s Episode 84 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! One reason I started this venture is that I wanted to help show the importance of local and state politics. For sure, progressives have made some outstanding strides in terms of state politics with Democrats taking the state trifecta last year for the first time in four…
Friday Short: Why Christian Nationalists Push For Abortion, Contraception, IVF, and Fun Sex Bans
Here’s this week’s LoL Friday Short! Last week, the Christian Nationalist Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embroys used in in vitro fertilization are “children.” This is just another step in the attack on women’s reproductive rights. It’s just not a national abortion ban these extremists are pushing. They want a ban on contraception, IVF,…