Here’s Episode 94 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! 00:00-14:36: Trump Shooting/MAGA Violence/Neil Friske Pat opens the show talking about the assassination attempt on former President Trump, and how MAGA Republicans (with the help from corporate media) are trying to blame the Left for the shooting. It’s an absurd attack considering how MAGA extremists have been…
Tag: LGBTQ Rights
Episode 93: Democratic Rep. Carrie Rheingans On Keeping Michigan Trifecta Blue
Here’s Episode 93 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! 00:00-17:10: Pat’s talks about the debate within Michigan’s Democratic Party on whether or not President Joe Biden should step aside in the 2024 campaign. He repeats his take that Biden should step aside for the good of democracy. If he doesn’t, he hopes Joe proves him wrong!…
Episode 92: Slate’s Nitish Pahwa On Lansing’s Political Power
Here’s Episode 92 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Nitish Pahwa is Slate’s associate writer for business and tech, and he’s a native Michigander. In fact, he grew-up around Lansing, and remembered what the political scene was like just a decade ago when MAGA Republicans had complete control of state government. That’s why he’s surprised to…
Episode 91: Pragmatic Progressivism w/ Democratic State Rep. Jason Morgan
Here’s Episode 91 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! 00:00-16:12–Pat congratulates Michigan Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel on a major court victory for those fighting to shut down the Line 5 oil pipeline at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac. Nessel successfully argued to have the case sent back to the state, giving Line 5…
Podcast Ep. 90: Paid Family Leave & How To Even The Playing Field w/ Danielle Atkinson of Mothering Justice
It’s Episode 90 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! On this week’s show, Pat speaks with Danielle Atkinson, executive director and founder of Mothering Justice, which is an organization working to empower mothers of color through public policy. Mothering Justice is part of a coalition demanding the Democratic majority in the Michigan legislature to vote on…
Michigan GOP’s Extremism Has No End, And Dems Must Boycott Bibi Speech
Here’s episode 89 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast. Happy Conviction Week! Michigan Republicans continue having a collective meltdown after their Dear Leader was found guilty of committing 34 felonies in New York. Republicans call the trial a “sham,” and “un-American,” as they keep degrading our judicial system. Pat shares the unhinged statements from many Michigan…
Episode 83: Salon’s Amanda Marcotte on Fascism & The Christian Nationalist Movement
Here’s episode 83 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Salon columnist Amanda Marcotte spends a few minutes talking with Pat about the Christian Nationalist Movement, and its ultimate goal of not just getting Dear Leader Trump back into power, but of ending religious freedom for all. Ms. Marcotte’s written extensively on how Christian Nationalists are trying…
Episode 80: Michigan Republicans Shill For Fascism in Grand Rapids
Here’s Episode 80 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Pat’s got a lot to say this week, and that’s why it’s a solo show. Pat takes the Michigan Republicans to task, and the handful of right-wing Michigan sheriffs, who stood on stage with Donald Trump this week in Grand Rapids. Trump showed-up in our state to…
Episode 77: TikTok, MAGA Violence, & Right Wing Cognitive Dissonance
Here’s Episode 77 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Vote on this week’s Left of Lansing Online Poll via Twitter or X: Does Social Media help or hurt the political process? On this week’s show, Pat talks about how Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt’s ridiculous and disturbing State of the Union response showed how the White Christian Nationalist…
Episode 76: The History of White Christian Nationalism w/ Dr. Sara Moslener
It’s episode 76 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Lots of material in this week’s episode, including Pat’s examination of new Michigan GOP chair Pete Hoekstra’s record as a former congressman, ambassador, Tea Party founder, Trump-backer, and lobbyist. Sure, Pete Hoekstra doesn’t believe in demonic possession unlike his predecessor (at least, he hasn’t publicly said he…