Here’s this week’s LoL Friday Short for this April 19, 2024 There’s hope new legislation could be introduced in Lansing called The Working Parents Tax Credit. If passed, it could help around 250,000 Michigan kids in just one year. Supporters say this tax credit would incentivize work, and reward working families, and recent polling shows…
Tag: Left of Lansing
Episode 81: Don’t Believe the Hype on Corporate Subsidies w/ Bridge Magazine’s Paula Gardner
Here’s Episode 81 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! On this week’s episode, Pat talks about “Florida” Mike Rogers’ audacity to run for Michigan’s open Senate seat this Fall even though he hasn’t lived in this state for years (because he wanted to make lobbying cash), and he’s registered to vote in both Florida and Michigan!…
Episode 80: Michigan Republicans Shill For Fascism in Grand Rapids
Here’s Episode 80 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Pat’s got a lot to say this week, and that’s why it’s a solo show. Pat takes the Michigan Republicans to task, and the handful of right-wing Michigan sheriffs, who stood on stage with Donald Trump this week in Grand Rapids. Trump showed-up in our state to…
Episode 79: Michigan Future, Inc. CEO Lou Glazer on why it’s time for transformational change in Michigan
Here’s Episode 79 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Michigan has tried 40 years of right-wing Republican rule, filled with failed economic and social theories. That’s led to an exodus of people leaving the state through the years for states with better jobs, improved infrastructure, effective investments in education, and accessible transit. Like most states in…
Episode 78: Making a difference for Michiganders w/ Democratic State Rep. Ranjeev Puri
Welcome to Episode 78 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! Democratic State Representative, and House Majority Whip, Ranjeev Puri talks with Pat on a host of issues, including some key bills he helped pass the state legislature last year, such as gun safety, clean energy and climate bills, water filtration in schools and daycare centers, and…
Friday Short: The White Christian Nationalist “Fundie Baby Voice”
We’ve made it to another Friday, which means it’s time for another LoL Friday Short! I continue my examination into the different aspects of White Christian Nationalism by concentrating on Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt’s response to President Joe Biden’s strong State Of The Union address this week. Britt’s breathy, high-pitch delivery is known as…
Episode 76: The History of White Christian Nationalism w/ Dr. Sara Moslener
It’s episode 76 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Lots of material in this week’s episode, including Pat’s examination of new Michigan GOP chair Pete Hoekstra’s record as a former congressman, ambassador, Tea Party founder, Trump-backer, and lobbyist. Sure, Pete Hoekstra doesn’t believe in demonic possession unlike his predecessor (at least, he hasn’t publicly said he…
Friday Short: GOP is All-In on National Abortion Ban
Here’s this week’s LoL Short on the how the GOP is all-in on a national abortion ban. Thanks to Distill Social for providing a video clip when they spoke with MAGA supporters before a recent Trump rally in Waterford, MI. Republicans try to minimize and hide their true intentions when it comes to abortion care….
Episode 75: Polluter Pay 2.0 w/ Sean McBrearty of Clean Water Action Michigan
Here’s the 75th episode of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast. We’ve covered the ways Michigan Democrats are protecting the state’s environment, and building a cleaner and more affordable energy future for both our environment and economy. Democrats also repealed the “No stricter than federal” law, which Republicans passed in 2018 that prevented the state from enacting…
Episode 74: Fighting to move Delta County forward w/ Kelli van Ginhoven
Here’s episode 74 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! As we’ve seen in our state, elections have consequences, especially on the state and local state side! I talk about how within a year, Michigan Democrats passed some much-needed legislation to move the state forward in terms of women’s reproductive rights, worker rights, union rights, setting-up a…