Left Of Lansing Episode 33: Bigotry Is Bad For Business

It’s another episode of the LOL Podcast! Michigan Democrats are banking on Gov. Whitmer’s slogan that “Bigotry Is Bad For Business.” I explain why being the anti-Indiana, the anti-Ohio, and the anti-Florida is the best strategic move for Michigan–both morally and economically. By becoming a more welcoming state for women who want to make their…

With Democratic Allies Like These…

I’m calling it right now. Republicans will get a budget passed without a road funding measure. The Michigan Republican leadership is working on passing a bunch of budget bills without road funding, hoping Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer will cave. I have hope she won’t cave. Whitmer professed to being a fighter in the campaign,…

I’m Still Here! Needed some R&R. But ready to do battle again!

To my fellow LOLers, I apologize I’ve been absent of late. There’s no excuse only to say that I reached near exhaustion around July 4th. I’d been working hard for 18 straight weeks on the podcast. Lots of late nights. Lots of long days. Lots of research. Lots of writing. Lots of producing. Lots of…

Left of Lansing Podcast Episode 12: Susan Demas–Editor-In-Chief of Michigan Advance

The 12th episode of the Left Of Lansing Podcast is posted! Since I’ve reached a milestone–a dozen episodes–I’ve got a Michigan treasure as my guest this week. Progressive writer, and Editor-In-Chief of Michigan Advance, Susan Demas joins me to discuss Michigan politics. We cover how the establishment Lansing press rewards old conservatives viewpoints while ignoring…