My Left of Lansing “Friday Short” covers a sad ending to the Flint Water Crisis, in which not one public official will face prosecution for their role in one of the greatest man-made disasters the state of Michigan, and the country, has ever experienced. Former Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder won’t have to face any…
Tag: Left of Lansing Short
LoL Friday Short: A Victory For Tolerance & Education
The Left of Lansing Friday Short this week celebrates a judge’s ruling in which he dismissed a lawsuit over so-called “pornographic” books in Kent County’s Rockford Public Schools District. A right-wing Christian Nationalist group wanted to ban 14 books, most of which dealt with LGBTQ+ stories. The judge ruled the books as a whole have…
LoL Friday Short: Democrats working to abolish Snyder’s “Polluter Panels”
Here’s the LoL Friday Short on this October 20th, of 2023 Democrats in the Michigan Legislature have introduced bills to abolish former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder’s “Polluter Panels.” Snyder and the MAGA majority back in 2018 created a panel filled with industry and commercial insiders with the main goal of slowing down or stopping any…
LoL Friday Short: UAW’s Fain Shows The Power of Messaging
The Left of Lansing “Friday Short” this week puts a spotlight on UAW President Shawn Fain’s effective messaging campaign during the union’s strike against the Big Three Detroit automakers. Fain isn’t allowing right wing forces, including the Republican Party or Donald Trump, to pit worker against worker, or unions against environmentalists. He’s clearly defining who…
Friday Short: Rep. Dylan Wegela Wants To Stop DTE & Consumers Energy Dark Money In Lansing
My Friday Left of Lansing Short is on Democratic State Representative Dylan Wegela’s efforts on stopping the dark money influence DTE and Consumers Energy uses in Lansing. Rep. Wegela outlined how he intends to do that by introducing a bill preventing DTE and Consumers Energy from using dark money PAC’s, which will help ensure that…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: What if Biden’s poll numbers remain low?
My Friday LOL Short this week deals with the uncomfortable subject of what will Democrats do if President Biden’s poll numbers keep struggling in early 2024? As someone who believes the Biden Administration has exceeded my expectations, the facts are that Biden remains neck-and-neck with Trump in several polls. Which is why I don’t think…
Left of Lansing Short: UAW’s 4-day work week request makes sense
The Left of Lansing Short on this Friday September 15, 2023 deals with the UAW’s request for a 32-hour work week for its members. It’s not that crazy of an idea, and the data shows that workers are happier and more productive when they work four days a week. If that’s the case, then why…
Left of Lansing Short: Rep. Betsy Coffia Helping All Boats Rise
There’s something in my eye Getting thankyou’s from school leaders in small rural communities & districts like Posen, McBain, Leland, Forest Area for the work my team & I did to get transportation equity into our School Aid Budget …. makes this rural northern girl so proud. — Betsy Coffia (@BetsyCoffia) July 13, 2023…
Left of Lansing Short–Michigan Is A Place Where Everyone Belongs
Since it’s Friday, it’s time for a Left of Lansing Short. In this week’s “short,” I take my cue from Greta VanZetten, who explained in a Detroit Free Press op-ed that while she loves her home state of Michigan, she suffers great apprehension and anxiety on coming back to her home on the west side…