Monday Musing: Democrats Can’t Send Mixed Messages On Republican Extremism

Here’s the Monday Musing for June 3, 2024 Democrats are in trouble of diluting and mixing their campaign messaging when it comes to the serious threat Trump and the Republicans are to democracy. Democrats must be firm and consistent with their messaging in order to ensure Democrats keep not only the Michigan Legislature blue, but…

Friday Short: Trump Verdict Reveals Entire Michigan GOP’s Extremism

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 31, 2024 The entire Michigan Republican Party is revealing its fascist and authoritarianism ways by its reactions to Dear Leader Trump being found GUILTY of all 34 felony counts of falsifying financial records to hide his payoffs to a porn star, which influenced the outcome of…

Rebalancing The Scales w/ Democratic Congressional Candidate Dr. Bob Lorinser

Here’s episode 87 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Dr. Bob Lorinser is running to become the Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 1st congressional district, comprising of northern Michigan, and the entire U.P. He is trying to challenge Republican Congressman Jack Bergman for the second straight time after losing to Bergman in ’22. But Dr. Lorinser believes…

Episode 64: Pro-Publica’s Anna Clark on Eliminating Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law.

Here’s episode 64 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! It’s great to have author and Pro-Publica reporter Anna Clark back on Left of Lansing this week. Anna’s written an insightful article on Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law, which allows state government to erase democracy by completely taking-over financially-strapped cities. Anna highlights how despite Michiganders voting to eliminate…

We Are Better Than That

As much as I‘m a HUGE proponent of impeachment & have been riveted by the hearings, I can’t shake the feeling that Trump got what he wanted (endless media mentions about Biden, scandal, & corruption in the same sentence) and Putin got what he wanted (America at war with itself.) — Chris Savage (@Eclectablog) November…