Friday Left of Lansing Short: John Moolenaar’s Gotion Hypocrisy

The “Friday Short” puts a spotlight on Michigan Republican Congressman John Moolenaar’s hypocrisy when it comes to the proposed Gotion electric battery plant in Big Rapids. Moolenaar hopped-aboard the right wing xenophobia bandwagon since Gotion’s parent company is from China. Yet, Moolenaar never once uttered a word of skepticism over other Chinese companies which set-up…

Left Of Lansing Short–Friday, April 21, 2023

Here’s a Left Of Lansing “Short,” as I like to call it. Sometimes, these “shorts” will feature commentary on a specific news item of the day, or perhaps a follow-up on the week’s full podcast. In this one, I expound a bit on what this week’s podcast guest, Democratic State Representative Dylan Wegela, had to…

Left Of Lansing Podcast–Episode 34: State Rep. Dylan Wegela

It’s time for another episode of the Left Of Lansing Podcast! This week, I discuss how young people showed-up at the polls in a big way in Michigan, which helped Democrats pull-off the trifecta in state government. But despite the Generation Z breaking for Democrats in the last few elections, Democrats must continue showing that…

Michigan Is Too Old. Democrats Must Pass Laws To Attract Young People

As I mentioned in this week’s episode of LOL, Michigan is getting older: Deaths outnumbered births in all but seven counties in Michigan in the year ending July 2022, new Census figures show, a result of the state’s aging population and the devastating impact of thousands of COVID-19 deaths. That’s 92 percent of Michigan’s 83…