Left Of Lansing Podcast–Episode 36: State Rep. Kelly Breen

If we’re not helping to protect our kids, honestly I don’t know what the hell we’re doing here in Lansing because that should be our number one priority. Democratic State Representative Kelly Breen On this week’s LOL Podcast, Democratic State Representative Kelly Breen from 21st House District talks with me to discuss a number of…

Left Of Lansing Podcast 35: Michigan Democrats Fixing 40 Years Of Republican Rule

In this week’s episode, Pat Johnston covers how Democrats are fixing what Republicans destroyed during their 40 years of power in Lansing. He covers how Republicans across the nation are working to erase American history, ban books, silence their opponents, and destroy the public school system. Pat also gives another shoutout to Democratic State Rep….

Left Of Lansing Short–Friday, April 21, 2023

Here’s a Left Of Lansing “Short,” as I like to call it. Sometimes, these “shorts” will feature commentary on a specific news item of the day, or perhaps a follow-up on the week’s full podcast. In this one, I expound a bit on what this week’s podcast guest, Democratic State Representative Dylan Wegela, had to…

More Right Wing Terrorism In Michigan

I’d like to know who radicalized this man: A Saginaw optometrist is going to federal prison for 10 months for threatening to harm Black Lives Matter supporters in a series of rants he made over the phone to Starbucks employees, who got an earful about his beef with workers wearing BLM T-shirts. According to court…

Left Of Lansing Podcast–Episode 34: State Rep. Dylan Wegela

It’s time for another episode of the Left Of Lansing Podcast! This week, I discuss how young people showed-up at the polls in a big way in Michigan, which helped Democrats pull-off the trifecta in state government. But despite the Generation Z breaking for Democrats in the last few elections, Democrats must continue showing that…