It’s the 53rd installment of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! I start out mocking the right wing Michigan Republican Party for claiming to care about working Michiganders on this past Labor Day. Then, I talk about the latest from the nutty right wing Ottawa Impact faction, which is working to defund the Ottawa County health department…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: Let Michigan Join Winner-Take-All National Vote Compact
It’s the Friday Left of Lansing Short! I discuss my support to have Michigan join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This would allow states to award their electoral college votes to the presidential candidate who won the national majority vote. Right now, states allocate their electoral college votes to the candidate who won their…
Episode 52: Democratic State Rep. Carrie Rheingans and Universal Health Care in Michigan
Episode 52 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast is a little longer than normal, but well worth the listen! I take DTE Energy and Consumers Energy to task for failing to keep the lights on after storms rolled through the state. Despite keeping hundreds of thousands of customers in the dark, both energy companies are asking…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: Right Wing’s Dream Of Silencing Gen Z
My Left of Lansing “Short” this Friday is about Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s proposal to ban anyone under 25 from voting, unless they fulfil specific requirements, including passing a citizenship test. Generation Z is not only a politically active voting bloc, especially in Michigan, but it’s also a highly progressive voting bloc. Rather than…
Episode 51: Gina Keller from Distill Social, and Playing The New Offense
Here’s another exciting and informative episode of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! The Christian Nationalism that has overtaken the Michigan Republican Party is trying to take control of the entire state. While Democrats have control of state government for the first time in 40 years, and progressive values have achieved some major victories, right wing Christian…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: John Moolenaar’s Gotion Hypocrisy
The “Friday Short” puts a spotlight on Michigan Republican Congressman John Moolenaar’s hypocrisy when it comes to the proposed Gotion electric battery plant in Big Rapids. Moolenaar hopped-aboard the right wing xenophobia bandwagon since Gotion’s parent company is from China. Yet, Moolenaar never once uttered a word of skepticism over other Chinese companies which set-up…
Episode 50: Mi Right To Read w/ Debbie Mikula of Michigan Libraries Association
Episode 50 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Pat Johnston talks with Debbie Mikula from the Michigan Libraries Association about the MI To Read campaign.
Friday Left of Lansing Short: The right wing’s hatred for the U.S. women’s soccer
On this edition of the Friday Left of Lansing Short, I tackle the right wing’s obsession and hatred for the United States women’s national soccer team. Tweets like this were all too common from right wing media figures after Team USA’s loss to Sweden in the Round of 16: So @charlescwcooke has said the unsayable…
Episode 49: Fighting To Close Line 5 w/ Sean McBrearty of Oil & Water Don’t Mix
It’s the 49th episode of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! I celebrate Ohio’s decision to hand the state Republican party a humiliating defeat at the polls this week, when voters rejected the GOP’s efforts to raise the threshold to pass a state referendum from 50-to-60%. Ohio Republicans were hoping to hurt the chances of enshrining abortion…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: GOP Wants TikTok Ban To Hurt Gen Z
This week’s “Short” deals with the Republican effort to ban TikTok in the United States. Ostensibly, they argue it’s to protect our privacy since TikTok is a Chinese company. But the main reason Republicans are fighting for a ban is to take-away a major communication tool from Generation Z voters, who are by far the…