Left Of Lansing Episode 33: Bigotry Is Bad For Business

It’s another episode of the LOL Podcast! Michigan Democrats are banking on Gov. Whitmer’s slogan that “Bigotry Is Bad For Business.” I explain why being the anti-Indiana, the anti-Ohio, and the anti-Florida is the best strategic move for Michigan–both morally and economically. By becoming a more welcoming state for women who want to make their…

Left of Lansing Podcast–Episode 29–Michigan’s Right Wing Fight Against People Of Color & LGBTQ Rights. And Democratic State House Candidate Jody LaMacchia

The 29th episode of the Left Of Lansing Podcast is posted! While ousting the current occupant from The White House of crucial this November, we must also turn Michigan’s legislature blue! Jody LaMacchia is trying to do just that as she’s running for Republican incumbent John Reilly’s state house seat in the 46th District. Reilly…

Left of Lansing Podcast–Episode 28–Republicanism & The Cult

The 28th episode of the LOL Podcast is posted! I have plenty to say regarding how right-wing forces in Michigan are attempting to shif blame from President Donald Trump’s gross incompetence and mismanagement of the coronavirus outbreak, and place it Governor Gretchen Whitmer. These forces, such as the extreme Michigan Chamber of Commerce, are pushing…

Left of Lansing–Episode 27–Dave Wagner from Indivisible Michigan–3/1/2020

Another brand new episode of The Left of Lansing Podcast is posted! This week, Dave Wagner from the Indivisible Michigan joins the podcast. Indivisible Michigan is fighting to turn Michigan’s state legislature not only blue, but deep progressive blue as it highlights candidates with progressive spines. We talk about how Indivisible started, how it’s changing…

Left of Lansing Podcast–Episode 26: Value the Women’s Vote; Force GOP To Defend Health Care Stance; Why Bloomberg?

A new episode of the Left of Lansing Podcast is back! On this podcast, I point-out how Michigan Republicans are teeing-it-up for Michigan Democrats to win in 2020. –Michigan Republicans just can’t help their misogynistic ways, and progressives should put them on the defensive for their anti-women stances. –Michigan Republicans implemented work requirements for hard-working…