My Friday Left of Lansing Short is on Democratic State Representative Dylan Wegela’s efforts on stopping the dark money influence DTE and Consumers Energy uses in Lansing. Rep. Wegela outlined how he intends to do that by introducing a bill preventing DTE and Consumers Energy from using dark money PAC’s, which will help ensure that…
Category: Blog
Friday Left of Lansing Short: What if Biden’s poll numbers remain low?
My Friday LOL Short this week deals with the uncomfortable subject of what will Democrats do if President Biden’s poll numbers keep struggling in early 2024? As someone who believes the Biden Administration has exceeded my expectations, the facts are that Biden remains neck-and-neck with Trump in several polls. Which is why I don’t think…
Trump is no friend of unions, and Michigan knows it!
I wasn't sure at first if Biden should join the UAW picket line or not. But knowing the fascist, indicted former president is showing up in Michigan to speak against the union, it's a good move for Biden to show his support for working people. — LeftOfLansing (@LeftOfLansing) September 25, 2023 In my remarks…
Left of Lansing Short: State House Democrat Might Stop The Reproductive Health Act
This week’s Left of Lansing Short deals with how Democratic State House Rep. Karen Whitsett from the 4th district in Detroit not only voted against the Reproductive Health Act in House Health Policy Committee this week, but she’s signaling she’s vote against the RHA when it comes to a vote on the House floor! And…
Left of Lansing Short: UAW’s 4-day work week request makes sense
The Left of Lansing Short on this Friday September 15, 2023 deals with the UAW’s request for a 32-hour work week for its members. It’s not that crazy of an idea, and the data shows that workers are happier and more productive when they work four days a week. If that’s the case, then why…
Respect the elderly, but respect the young, too
Detroit Free Press writer Mitch Albom made some confusing statements in his column last weekend, “Opinion: Criticizing the old isn’t cute, it’s an insulting–and growing–trend.“ I’ll share with you what I think is Mitch’s overall point: Most importantly, if we revered the old for what they’ve endured, the sacrifices they’ve made, and the years they’ve…
Left of Lansing Friday Short: Democrats Reversing Draconian GOP Abortion Access Laws
The “Friday Short” highlights the Reproductive Freedom Act, which Democratic State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky formally introduced this week. The RFA would reverse many hurtful abortion access restrictions put in place by Republicans through the years as they tried to enact their view of Christian Nationalism on the rest of the state. Please, listen to this…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: Let Michigan Join Winner-Take-All National Vote Compact
It’s the Friday Left of Lansing Short! I discuss my support to have Michigan join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This would allow states to award their electoral college votes to the presidential candidate who won the national majority vote. Right now, states allocate their electoral college votes to the candidate who won their…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: Right Wing’s Dream Of Silencing Gen Z
My Left of Lansing “Short” this Friday is about Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s proposal to ban anyone under 25 from voting, unless they fulfil specific requirements, including passing a citizenship test. Generation Z is not only a politically active voting bloc, especially in Michigan, but it’s also a highly progressive voting bloc. Rather than…
Friday Left of Lansing Short: John Moolenaar’s Gotion Hypocrisy
The “Friday Short” puts a spotlight on Michigan Republican Congressman John Moolenaar’s hypocrisy when it comes to the proposed Gotion electric battery plant in Big Rapids. Moolenaar hopped-aboard the right wing xenophobia bandwagon since Gotion’s parent company is from China. Yet, Moolenaar never once uttered a word of skepticism over other Chinese companies which set-up…