Shut It Down!

Enbridge: Unsupported segment of Line 5 grows beyond 75-foot limit via @detroitnews — Dana Nessel (@dananessel) August 7, 2019 While Embridge keeps enacting a full-press to pressure our state government to keep its Line 5 oil pipeline operating in the Straits of Mackinac, we learn this nugget courtesy of The Detroit News‘ Beth LeBlanc:…

A Compassionate Leader Looks and Acts Like This

I haven’t hid the fact that I’m part of the Elizabeth Warren for Prez fan club. That being said, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rouke is illustrating pure leadership after the congressional district he once represented deals with the aftermath of a mass shooting. The Occupant in the White House is incapable of completing a coherent…

I’m Still Here! Needed some R&R. But ready to do battle again!

To my fellow LOLers, I apologize I’ve been absent of late. There’s no excuse only to say that I reached near exhaustion around July 4th. I’d been working hard for 18 straight weeks on the podcast. Lots of late nights. Lots of long days. Lots of research. Lots of writing. Lots of producing. Lots of…

No Podcast This Week: Pat’s Brain Needed Rest!

via GIPHY Hello to my fellow LOLers, I’m sorry I’ve been away for the past week, but my day job inundated me with a bunch of projects, and I didn’t have much juice left in the tank for a podcast. My apologies. I’m using this weekend to rest, relax, and recover. It’s much-needed, and I…

Left of Lansing Podcast Episode #15: Interview with Democratic State Sen. Mallory McMorrow; And Pat Has Meltdown Over The New Auto Insurance “Reform” Bill

Finally! The latest episode of the Left of Lansing Podcast is posted!!! As I just explained, a recent illness from a booster shot caused this week’s delay. This week, I talk with first-term Democratic State Senator Mallory McMorrow from Royal Oak. Senator McMorrow is the youngest member in the Michigan legislature, and she’s already illustrating…

Michigan Risks Giving Up More Than It Gains With Auto Insurance “Reform.”

To say I’m less than enthused over this new auto insurance “reform” bill is a bit of an understatement. I’m disappointed some of our Democratic legislators felt pressured to get something done for something’s sake without truly approving a bill that actually helps Michiganders. Yes, Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance is among the most expensive in…

Episode #15 A Few Days Late. Got Sick Going To The Doctor’s Office!

I apologize the latest episode of the LOL Podcast has been delayed. I had my annual physical earlier this week, and received my Tetanus booster shot. Later that evening, I started feeling extremely fatigued and achy. I hoped a good night’s sleep would’ve done the trick. Hardly. The next day, I felt like I had…