Friday Short: Another Week of MAGA’s Fake Populism On Display!

Here’s the Left of Lansing Friday Short for August 2, 2024.

It’s another week where MAGA Republicans’ fake populism stance stood exposed once again.

Michigan MAGA Republicans are outraged over a State Supreme Court ruling that Republicans acted unconstitutionally in blocking and watering-down minimum wage increase and earned paid sick leave ballot proposals in 2018.

This means hundreds of thousands of Michigan workers will now earn more of a living wage, and earn time to care for themselves or sick loved ones.

This also means Michigan MAGA Republicans are fired-up, not for the workers, but in trying to find ways to stop what the people wanted in the first place!

Combine that news with the news of U.S. Senate MAGA Republicans blocking the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, and you’ve got more examples of how MAGA Republicans don’t care about the economic well-being of hard-working Americans.

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Michigan Supreme Court ruling will result in big minimum wage hike next year.” By Craig Mauger, Marnie Munoz, and Julia Cardi of The Detroit News

Senate rejects legislation that would expand child tax credit and restore business tax breaks.” By Kevin Freking of The Associated Press

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