Friday Short: Good Abortion Rights News From Michigan This Week!

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for June 28, 2024

In what has been a rather bleak news for progressives and Democrats this week, there’s been some good news on abortion rights in Michigan this week.

Proving, once again, that Michigan believes in the economic and health care freedoms of women.

After a Court of Claims ruling that Michigan’s 24-hour waiting period for abortion care was unconstitutional, the ACLU of Michigan filed a lawsuit claiming the state’s ban on Medicaid funding for abortions is also unconstitutional.

And it is unconstitutional!

So, in a week of depressing political news, here’s another example of Michigan showing the way towards freedom!

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Michigan’s 24-hour abortion waiting period blocked by Court of Claims.” By Anna Liz Nichols of Michigan Advance

ACLU suing to overturn Michigan ban on Medicaid-funded abortions.” By Darcie Moran of The Detroit Free Press

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