Monday Musing: “Florida” MAGA Mike Rogers Doesn’t Get Michigan

Here’s this week’s Left of Lansing “Monday Musing” for August 26, 2024.

“Florida” Mike Rogers is hoping to become Michigan’s next U.S. Senator after leaving our state for years to rake-in loads of cash in defense contractor lobbying.

Meanwhile, Democratic candidate, Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin who worked in military intelligence and then joined Congress to help improve the lives of Michiganders and the rest of the country.

Slotkin said at last week’s Democratic Party Convention that America leads, and she’s proving it by fighting for people.

However, like his Dear Leader Trump, “Florida” Mike has made a career of using government to help himself while making it harder for government to help the rest of us.

Let’s help Elissa Slotkin defeat “Florida” Mike Rogers this November by donating to her campaign!

Not only that, but “Florida” Mike’s got some unseemly Michiganders helping his campaign, including the vile and ignorant Meshawn Maddock.

Let’s help Sarah-May Seward defeat Maddock’s husband, Matt Maddock, in the 51st State House District this November by donating to her campaign!

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Mike Rogers Announces Women for Mike Leadership Team.” By Mike Rogers for Senate Campaign. (Meshawn Maddock is part of this team.)

How Fmr. Rep. Mike Rogers Got Rich Over Last 9 Years.” By Bryan Metzger of Business Insider

Distill Social Post on Maddock being part of “Florida” Mike’s campaign:

Michigan Democratic State Rep. Jason Morgan’s tweet to Meshawn Maddock’s sick tweet last week:

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