Political Moderates Prolong Human Suffering

That’s right!

Left of Lansing is on YouTube!

And I’m starting to add non-podcast material on there. So, please subscribe to Left of Lansing on YouTube, and also subscribe to the podcast.

As you’ll see, I am no Greta Gerwig yet when it comes to producing my own videos! This was my first try, and I know I need to work on my editing skills. It’s a little easier in audio form.

Here’s my “Last Call” from this week’s podcast where I wonder what exactly makes or defines a “political moderate.” No one can give me the answer, but the evidence I see is that so-called political moderates prolong human suffering.

If that’s what “moderation” is all about, I could do without it.

Let me know what you think!


Left of Lansing is now on YouTube as well!


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