Here’s Episode 92 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast!
Nitish Pahwa is Slate’s associate writer for business and tech, and he’s a native Michigander. In fact, he grew-up around Lansing, and remembered what the political scene was like just a decade ago when MAGA Republicans had complete control of state government. That’s why he’s surprised to see how fast things changed as not only are Democrats in control of the state trifecta, but he’s taking note how the center of Michigan’s political influence resides in Lansing. We talk about his article in Slate describing that shift, and why the Lansing area will play key roles in both state and national politics this November.

In my opening segment, I’ve got some follow-up on MAGA Republican state Representative Neil Friske’s wild and crazy night with guns and strippers, allegedly. Friske’s still under investigation and hasn’t been charged with crimes, yet, but like all MAGA Republicans, he refuses to accept any responsibility for his actions. Even more, like many MAGA Republicans, he has no clue when it comes to abortion and medicine. I also celebrate a major court ruling deeming Michigan’s 24-hour waiting period for women to receive abortion care unconstitutional. And I highlight how Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer perfectly describes this presidential election.
In my “Last Call,” I ask the question: What is a moderate? After a member of The Squad lost a primary race in New York, members of the press described the challenger as a “moderate.” The challenger opposes raising taxes on corporations or the rich, and he opposes a ceasefire in Gaza. How are those “moderate” positions while advocating for living wages, health care for all, and free public school lunches are supposedly “far-left?”
Please, subscribe to the podcast, download each episode, and give it a good review if you can!
Left of Lansing is now on YouTube as well!
“The City That Will Determine Where Michigan—and the Country—Goes in 2024.” By Nitish Pahwa of Slate
“How a swing district Democrat is running as a ‘conversations’ candidate.” By Nicholas Wu of Poltico
Distill Social tweet on Michigan Republican state Rep. Neil Friske’s inability to explain “abortion after birth” lie.
“‘False accusations:’ Michigan Rep. Neil Friske responds to arrest in Lansing.” By Angela Mulka of The Midland Daily News
“Michigan Lawmaker Neil Friske Says He Was ‘Framed’ After 3 A.M. Arrest.” By AJ McDougall of The Daily Beast
“Michigan House votes to expand unemployment from 20 to 26 weeks.” By Beth LaBlanc of The Detroit News
“Tom Barrett Doubles Down on Election-Denial; Won’t Say If He’ll Accept 2022 Election.” By End Citizens United
“Reminder: Michigan Republicans Voted Against Expanded Child Tax Credits After Cutting Corporate Taxes.” By Michigan Democratic Party
“Michigan’s 24-hour abortion waiting period blocked by Court of Claims.” By Anna Liz Nichols of Michigan Advance
“Whitmer talks about being considered for VP in 2020, vows to finish her 2nd term as governor.” By Susan J. Demas of Michigan Advance
“Susan J. Demas: Into the Snyder-verse: The guv’s Lame Duck act doesn’t save his legacy.” By Susan J. Demas of Michigan Advance
Michigan Advance’s Susan J. Demas tweet on Democrats reversing Rick Snyder’s unemployments benefit law.
“Jamaal Bowman is ousted in most expensive House primary ever.” By Nick Resman, Rich Mendez, and Emily Ngo of Politico
“$83B state budget heads to Whitmer’s desk after all-night session.” By Jon King and Anna Liz Nichols of Michigan Advance
Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail.”
“The Other Huge Difference Between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer.” By John Nichols of The Nation
Photo: “1959 Conoco Touraide Road Atlas” by Jasperdo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0