Here’s Episode 91 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast!
00:00-16:12–Pat congratulates Michigan Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel on a major court victory for those fighting to shut down the Line 5 oil pipeline at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac. Nessel successfully argued to have the case sent back to the state, giving Line 5 owner, Enbridge, a major setback as it tried to have the case heard in federal court. Here’s the thing: it’s a states’ rights issue! Also, failed MAGA Republican AG candidate, and the criminally indicted, Matt DePerno announces his run for the Michigan Supreme Court. It’s a prerequisite nowadays for Republicans to be indicted in order to run for office! But criminal activity is part of the MAGA game as one of Dear Leader Trump’s spiritual advisors admitted he molested a 12-year old girl. It doesn’t matter to MAGA, though, because gaining complete power is what they crave to enact their MAGA White Christian Nationalist “Project 2025” agenda.
16:42-35:22– Michigan Democratic State Representative Jason Morgan on his “Make It In Michigan” bill package that would divert millions of dollars from a corporate slush fund into investments in public transit, affordable housing, and community revitalization. He also gives his definition of “pragmatic progressivism.”Rep. Morgan’s 23rd House District comprises of parts of Ann Arbor, South Lyon, Salem, Plymouth and Northville.

36:10-42:20–“Last Call” on Democratic Representatives Dylan Wegela and Emily Dievendorf’s counter proposal to the Make It Michigan package, which diverts more money from the corporate slush fund to affordable housing. Pat believes this is progressives actually negotiating with some strength.
42:45-43:44: Ending, including the new weekly Left of Lansing Twitter Poll.
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Michigan Democratic State Reps. Dylan Wegela and Emily Dievendorf’s counter proposal to the current Make It In Michigan bill package
“Michigan House panel votes to allot $4.5B to transit, development over 10 years.” By Craig Mauger of The Detroit News
“State Fund Reform Is Public Transportation’s Moment To Finally ‘SOAR.'” By The Michigan Environmental Council
“State Dems push record transit funding tied to corporate incentives.” By Samuel Robinson of Axios Detroit
“Bipartisan, bicameral Public Transit Caucus holds inaugural meeting amid concern over funding.” By Jon King of Michigan Advance
“Michigan lawmakers move to reform corporate subsidies; hurdles remain.” By Paula Gardner of Bridge Michigan
“Legislation could bring $1 billion in transit funding to metro Detroit over next decade.” By Brian Allnutt of Planet Detroit
“Project 2025’s threat to democracy.” By Steve Corbin of States Newsroom (via Michigan Advance)
“Line 5 case returns to state court following US Court of Appeals decision.” By Kyle Davidson of Michigan Advance
“Closing Line 5 Won’t Lead To Higher Gas Prices.” By Pat Johnston of Left of Lansing
“Column: Gas price hikes are another Enbridge scare tactic.” By Gary Street of Michigan Advance
“Report: Shutting down Line 5 would increase gas prices half a penny.” By Lily Bohlke of The Detroit Metro Times
“Matthew DePerno, ex-Rep. Daire Rendon charged with vote machine tampering.” By Jonathan Oosting of Bridge Michigan
“DePerno announces Michigan Supreme Court run amid election related criminal charges.” By Anna Liz Nichols of Michigan Advance
“Another evangelical abuse scandal: It’s a big reason why they worship Trump.” By Amanda Marcotte of Salon
“Charlie Kirk once pushed a ‘secular worldview.’ Now he’s fighting to make America Christian again.” By Mike Hixenbaugh and Allan Smith of NBC News